fast and powerful Almanax feeds for your server
WARNING: Do not share the copied URL with any untrusted third parties. It allows to post to the channel. This service ensures that, after creation, the URL won't be shown to the outside.
Not a valid Discord Webhook URL.
Tip for Desktop: when the label is plural, you can hold Ctrl or Cmd to select multiple options.
Just delete it in Discord: Channel Settings - Integrations - [Your Webhook] - Delete Webhook.
Not in the Webinterface. You have to delete the Webhook and register it again. API Users can use the PUT endpoint with the generated ID.
No. A Bot reacts to commands in the chat, so it needs to be connected to your server all the time. That is why it looks like a member of your server. This site uses Webhooks. The URL is basically a key allowing the service to post to your selected channel. It can not read messages or do anything on the server at all except post stuff (nice for security).
So Webhooks are perfect for feeds. But they can not react to commands like !alm and you need to create a new one for each channel you want to use. For commands you need a Bot like KaellyBot.
Let's make it easy: Need commands? Use a Bot. Need a feed? Use a Webhook. Need both? Use both.
Maybe your Bot already uses this service. In that case just use the Bot - and tell me where to find it so I can link it to other people.
Absolutely, this site is just a client. You can probably develop a much better frontend or integrate the used API in your Bot or App. For example: This site ignores managing existing Webhooks completely - for simplicity.